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Note to any recipients of a gratis print copy of the International Review of the Red Cross:

For environmental and logistical reasons, from December 2023, we are dramatically reducing our distribution of free print copies of the Review. Paid print subscribers will continue to receive a print copy of the journal. Please send any questions on this change to

  • ISSN: 1816-3831 (Print), 1607-5889 (Online)
The International Review of the Red Cross is a peer-reviewed journal published by the International Committee of the Red Cross and Cambridge University Press. It promotes reflection on humanitarian law, policy and action in armed conflict and other situations of collective armed violence. A specialized journal in humanitarian law, it endeavours to promote knowledge, critical analysis and development of the law and contribute to the prevention of violations of rules protecting fundamental rights and values. The Review offers a forum for discussion about contemporary humanitarian action as well as analysis of the causes and characteristics of conflicts, so as to give a clearer insight into the humanitarian problems they generate. Finally, the Review informs its readership on questions pertaining to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and in particular on the activities and policies of the Red Cross. 
Digital ArchivesThe extensive archives of the International Review of the Red Cross are now available online. The archive of the current journal is available below. For more information, and links to the other archives, please click here
